Laptop Bios Battery Online Store was founded with a goal of providing a higher level of service and quality in the field of laptop cmos batteries.

We are a manufacturer which specializing in research, manufacture and sales of all types of laptop cmos bios batteries. The highest quality product at the lowest price laptop cmos bios batteries are our primary business, our sales workers receive extensive training on power requirements, cmos batteries technology and so on. Our cmos batteries have passed strict quality assurance procedures such as CE, UL, and ISO9001/9002 certifications. We provide any assistance you may need about cmos batteries.

Here are some reasons, you would trust in us to purchase :

Our Quality - We believe that our customers should receive the highest quality cmos batteries at the lowest prices. We hold on and guarantee the quality of our cmos batteries, 100% brand new!

Our Price - At our website, you always have the lowest payment. Because we own manufacturers, online merchants are wholesalers yet; In addition, we use the fully automated equipment, production's efficiency is the highest in the same coterie.

Our Service - We have a extensive training, dedicated team of customer service executives who are eager to help you saving time and money by sharing their knowledge and expertise on jack.

Your Satisfaction - To make your on-line shopping experience enjoyable, convenient, speedy and absolute satisfaction is our goal. 15 Days Money Back, 1 year warranty.

Our customer service representatives are here to serve you 24 hours a day on weekdays, as well as select hours on Saturday (except on major holidays). We believe in the timeliness of customer service, and will do everything possible to satisfy our customers. If you have any problems, comments, or suggestions, please contact our customer service representatives.


Inquiries and Items Not Found in the Product Catalogue

If you have any problem about the jack, pls email us and tell us the question. We will reply you as soon as we receive your email.

If the products were not found in our catalogue and fail to locate a new version, can update your existing jack for you.

Please Email us details (Item NO., voltage, capacity, chemistry, dimensions and makes) of the laptop cmos bios batteries you are looking for.


It is our goal to provide our customer 100% satisfaction. If for any reason, you are not satisfied with our product, return the product(s) to us within 15 days and we will refund the full product price (no shipping cost will be refunded unless it is proved that the return is a result of our error).

If you need any assistance, pls feel free to contact us at any time via the email We will give you the reply within the 24 hours.

Office Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Saturday

Address:gangzhilong business center, qinglong road, longhua street, longhua new district, shenzhen

Contact Us:Email: Telephone:18682277926

Laptop CMOS Batteries

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